Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I would like to give a warm and courteous welcome to all my students. I look forward to reading your material as it gives me the privileged opportunity to see into your deepest thoughts. It well also give you the most sharpened form of creative outlet, which is the expression of the written word.

When writing your blogs do not feel any intellectual constraint, as I want you to all write exactly what is on the tip of your minds tongue. Freely expressing yourself will allow you to grow as an individual and that is my goal as your professor.

You have all received your first assignment in class; however I will also post it on here for your reference.


  1. third sentence " it well should be it will" english major my ass, and many of your ideas are more about philosophy than english...


  2. Im not in your class, or university. But can I participate in these excercises?

  3. Your not real! I just googled you and the closest identity resembling you is Dr. Carolyn Emery. She works in the Kinesiolgoy Department. Brody you guys are making up fake people. Thats my thing! Quack!

  4. Yes, you are more than welcome to participate in these exercises. It wouldn't be hard for you to put in more effort than my struggling students fail to even comprehend. Also stop question the validity of my existence, at least until you question your own.
